Its great to know the right people and to have good friends. Therefore, last friday, for only 50$ per person we saw "Le Reve" a water show similar to "O" but maybe a bit better. More colorful and in a smaler theater so that you are closer. Included were complimentary drinks before the show and free admisson to the "XS" nightclub at the "Encore" (plus VIP-treatment at the entrance - no standing in line).
Die "Maedels" - ich mit Denise.
The "girls" - me and Denise.
Was fuer ein schoenes Paar...
What a nice couple...Mit Esteban und Mark...
With Esteban and Mark...Der Aussenbereich des XS Nachtclubs bei Tageslicht.
The outside area of "XS" at daylight.Und innen...
And inside......nach den ersten Drinks.
...after a couple of drinks.Human Rights Campaign heisst wir unterstuetzen Minderheiten, wie unsere schwulen Freunde Ted und Jeff.
Human Rights Campain fighting for equal rights for everybopdy like our gay friuends Ted and Jeff.Beim Schmusen...
Cuddling...... und Trinken
... and drinkingSieht Esteban nicht umwerfend aus?
Isn't Esteban gorgeous?Ich bin gluecklich.
I am happy.David und Jeff auch.
As are David and Jeff.
Jetzt kaan's dann mal los gehen.
We are ready.Ein paar Eindruecke aus "Le Reve' (Footografieren ist natuerlich strengstens verboten!).
Some impressions from "Le Reve" (taking pictures is obviously prohibited!)Schoene Maenner bei Posen.
Handsome men posing.Der Aussenbereich des "XS" Nachtclubs bei Nacht.
The outside area of the "XS" nightclub by night.... gluecklich... froehlich...